A Couple of Eccentrics: Lee Heinsen-Ligocki and Gordon Ligocki
May 5 – June 26, 2011

Two of Pulaski County’s best-kept secrets, Lee Heinsen-Ligocki and Gordon Ligocki, will be exhibiting new work at Artpost in May and June.
Lee Heinsen-Ligocki, who works with watercolor and ink, creates vividly colored paintings that verge between the real and surreal. Her meditative work represents spiritual, emotional, physical and visual everyday experiences. Lee, who studied fine art at IU Northwest-Gary and IU South Bend, drives a semi-truck cross-country and paints while on the road. Some of the work she will be exhibiting include paintings from “Trippin Hands,” a series of 6” x 6” watercolors in which her hands take fantastic journeys.
Gordon Ligocki is an artist who creates assemblage pieces out of found materials. His work uses both natural elements and manufactured objects, combining these in unexpected ways to make sculpture. He explains his process by stating, “I love physical materials each for its’ own personality and necessary individual process. All materials are equal.”
Gordon is an assistant instructor in fine arts at Ancilla College and has also taught art at IU Northwest and Valparaiso University. He has an M.F.A. in sculpture from the University of Illinois, and a B.F.A. in Fine Arts from Ohio Wesleyan University.

Brilliant figurative work!