Kay Westhues: “Well Stories”
May 6 – June 27, 2010

Kay Westhues’s photographs are from her most recent project, titled “Well Stories”. In this work, she is photographing old wells and springs in the Midwest that have been used as public water sources. These photos explore the beauty, history and culture that has grown around these springs, many which have been flowing for decades. This work was partially funded through a 2010 Indiana Individual Artist Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission.
You can view the work in progress on Kay’s website, which includes video and photography, at www.wellstories.com.
Work from Kay’s previous project, “Fourteen Places to Eat: A Narrative”, will also be included in this exhibit. The “Fourteen Places” series will be shown at the Noyes Cultural Art Center, in Evanston IL, in July of this year, and was exhibited at the Snite Museum of Art, Notre Dame, and the Lodz Photofestiwal in Lodz, Poland in May 2009.

thanks for showing mike wilkins and rock spring…its a special place for me…